Monday, June 21, 2010

Things I learned This Year

These are the things I learned this year:

A lot about technology

More french words

Louie Riel and Gabriel Demount

Hitler and the Holocaust

AIDS,HIV and Hepatitis C


String Art

Ecosystems and food chains

More about sports

Learned what RAFTS are

Child Abuse

Swimming moves

Make better food

How to make nice power points

Twitter,Twiducate,Blog Spot,Skype,Slide Share,Polldady,Glogster and Google Docs

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


A Boy That Became An NHL Player

Once upon a time there was a boy named Johnny he worked at the source for sports it was his third week working there. He was 16 years old and turning 17 in February. He lived in Saskatoon on 33 street north. His best friend lived lived right beside him Johnny and his best friend David both played on the same team. They played for the Saskatoon blazes. They both loved hockey a lot. Johnny’s favorite team was the Vancouver cunuks. Johnny’s dream was to play with the Vancouver cunuks. At school he plays hockey at lunch hour with all of his friends. In the summer Johnny likes to dirt bike and go to hockey school with his friends. Johnny tries to do all the sports he can at school. At Johnny’s house he likes to play halo 3 his favorite weapon on the game was the sniper rifle. He liked to be a sniper. He had lots of games. His 2nd favorite game was Call of duty modern warfare 2 his favorite gun was the double handed shot gun. After he plays on his playstation 3 he goes on facebook for one hour then he goes to hockey practice when he comes home from hockey practice he has a shower then goes to bed. When Johnny wakes up he has breakfast then goes to school. 1 year later Johnny got a phone call from the coach of the Vancouver cunuks the coach said he had seen him play on the Saskatoon blazes and wants him to play with the Vancouver Cunuks. Johnny was very very excited to play with them that day he went home and got all of his stuff ready to go to Vancouver. The next day he went to Vancouver and and rented a hotel. After a few months his family bought a new house in Vancouver and they lived happily ever after. THE END By:Jaden

Friday, June 11, 2010


You should try playing on this website it is awsome.


Today there is only 5 of us because the buses are broken down, and it is really muddy.

Friday, June 4, 2010

World At War

World at War on Facebook is sooooo fun! I play it all the time. You should play it to!